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Showing 21-25 of 29 articles.

Why Colocation Needs to Be in Your Business Disaster Recovery Plan

Why Colocation Needs to Be in Your Business Disaster Recovery Plan

No matter where you may be located in the United States, there is a possibility that a disaster could strike. From tornadoes to fires to hurricanes to floods, disasters can happen at any time. For businesses, it’s paramount to have a disaster recovery plan in place.

A key component of that disaster recovery plan should be where and how you plan to store your data. If a wildfire rushes through your area and there’s no time to save data, then you could be out years of records and other invaluable business information if the data isn’t securely stored elsewhere.

Here’s why colocation should be included in your business disaster recovery plan if you live in Orlando, Space Coast, Tampa, and other Florida areas as well as other parts of the United States.

Off-Site Data Storage Allows Your Data to Be Protected in the Event of a Disaster

When you host and store your data in the same building as your business, you’re taking a risk. In the event of a disaster such as a fire or flash flood, you could be looking at a complete and total loss without off-site data storage. Losing years of information, data, billing info, and other aspects of your business without any backup can be disastrous in itself, but if you have that information stored off-site, it will be protected.

Business Can Still Operate After Disaster Strikes with Off-Site Colocation

When your data and applications are stored off-site, it may still be...

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Remote Work and WFH – DaaS or Desktop as a Service vs. Colocation.

Remote Work and WFH – DaaS or Desktop as a Service vs. Colocation.

The latest business disaster that many businesses did not contemplate was the stay at home order and lock down associated with the pandemic. Many of Colo Solutions’ customers were able to seamlessly transition to their workforce working from home. Some use Colo Solutions’ DaaS services and others collocate their own equipment in Colo Solutions’ data center.

Virtual Desktops, or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

DaaS also known as virtual desk tops or virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) or remote desk tops has been a great help to businesses during the pandemic. Colo Solutions’ existing DaaS customers were able to easily transition to working from home during the pandemic as the infrastructure provided by Colo Solutions was already in place. Colo Solutions customers that already found the VDI use case beneficial in situations where they had numerous remote offices, or a highly variable work force, among other things, discovered the additional benefit of being able to easily transition to work from home. Perhaps the biggest benefit of DaaS or VDI to a small or medium sized enterprise is the personal support services and management provided by Colo Solutions’ staff to deliver the VDI infrastructure and services and assist with the transition to WFH. Please see our Blog entitled “Physical Desktop vs. Virtual Desktop for Your Business” for a deeper discussion.

Colo Solutions for Disaster Recovery

Other Colo Solutions...

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What Exactly Is an Internet Exchange?

What Exactly Is an Internet Exchange?

Since the Internet began, it has constantly evolved into the entity we now know today—sending data all over the world and throughout the country. Without edge computing and other services such as Internet exchanges (IX), it would take a lot longer for that data to travel. At Colo Solutions, one of our customers recently established an IX (the DACS-IX South) inside our carrier-neutral colocation data center.

Learn more about an IX and how it adds value to your day-to-day business operations.

IX Helps Extend the Network of the Internet

The Internet has been referred to as a "network of networks." The value of the Internet increases as more networks connect. An IX or Internet Exchange Point (IXP) is one method to connect networks. Many believe the Internet is only provided through big transit providers such as AT&T, CenturyLink, and Verizon. However, there are a large number of other carriers, networks, and others that carry Internet traffic, or data. Connecting all of these networks creates a "network effect" that exponentially increases the value of these parts.

Think of the Internet like a railroad line. A railroad line from one city to another links those two cities. If the rail line ends in a rail yard that can then link out to other cities, then that rail line value increases as it reaches other cities. As those rail lines end in other cities and continue to link to other cities, that rail line "network" is extended. Instead ...

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The Importance of Data Center Compliance to Your Business

The Importance of Data Center Compliance to Your Business

In late 2018, Marriott informed the world that around 500 million of its customers had lost information to cyber thieves from 2014-2018. This data breach was large and went undetected for four years. Their information needed to be more secure and not as easily accessible. Other massive data breaches have affected millions of people and cost companies millions of dollars in lawsuits, all because they had a weakness in their security that hackers were able to exploit. One way to help prevent data breaches is by selecting a secure data center to store your data.

When you're searching for a data center to house your business's critical information, make sure the data center is compliant with your industry. You alone are responsible for ensuring your business data is secure at all times, so it's vital to be discerning when choosing where that data is stored.

If you're in Florida areas such as Orlando, Space Coast, Tampa, or Daytona Beach, here are reasons why you should be searching for a data center that meets compliance standards.

What Exactly Is Compliance & Why Is it Important

Compliance standards, also referred to as data center security standards, help ensure that data centers are using best practices for data protection. Standards vary between the different types, but there are several types of compliance that data centers can be audited and assessed for to prove that they are secure enough to store various types of ...

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What Is a Carrier-Neutral Data Center?

What Is a Carrier-Neutral Data Center?

When considering a data center, there are many options to think about, but one that should be looked at is whether or not the data center is carrier neutral. A carrier-neutral data center offers multiple options for connectivity, whereas a non-carrier-neutral data center only has one option.

Here are some reasons your business in Orlando, Space Coast, Tampa, and other Florida areas should consider using a carrier-neutral data center for your colocation provider.

Why Is Carrier Neutrality Important?

Carrier neutrality is very important to a data center customer, as it gives options for blended connectivity. A non-carrier-neutral data center only leaves you with one service option and limited connectivity options. With a carrier-neutral data center, the business gets several advantages over a non-carrier-neutral data center.

Advantages of Using Carrier-Neutral Data Centers

Using a carrier-neutral data center has many advantages, including:

  • It is cost-efficient to the consumer
  • Offers increased flexibility
  • More competition means there is a better rate negotiating position
  • More capability for the data center to interconnect
  • Reduces the risk of downtime as multiple connectivity options can step in should the first one fail for any reason
  • Redundancy
  • Increased scalability means that depending on the business needs, you can easily extend your network and/or grow it faster
  • The more carriers at a facility means it’s...
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